Paints have a way of either making or marring the work of most builders.

Whether Emulsion, Textured, Silk and so on  the paint on a building ate likely what gets peoples attention first.

If the paint used in finishing your dream house/project begins to fade or chalk after a few months or years then your choice was probably wrong.

Choosing the right paint to use should not be like paying lotto where the outcome isn’t known before use.

Here are a few tips in choosing your next paint brand:

Past Projects : this should speak for itself

High Opacity: Paints with high opacity would guarantee wider coverage and durability

High binder: the higher the binder the more weather unlikeliness to chalk

High Antifungal Properties: This would help prevent algae and moss from growing on your walls.

Does not necessarily have to be unaffordable yet quality

Touchstone Paints are always quality but affordable.

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